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From powerful testimonies to dynamic interviews, hear the latest on God’s work in the Muslim world on our podcast!


Let Me Be Your Neighbor


A hands-on videos series to spark connections in your neighborhood

Let Me Be Your Neighbor is a fun, four-part video series to help you and your friends connect with neighbors in our increasingly diverse communities. Grab a few friends and try this free course together!

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Crescent Project’s highly-regarded Bridges curriculum helps Christians engage Muslims by focusing on concepts shared by both faiths, creating a “bridge” of connection that ultimately leads to Jesus.


Bridges Study

The Bridges Study is a hands-on, in-depth group study with a workbook, designed to help you and a small group understand Islam and move towards Muslims.


Bridges Online

Take the Bridges coursework through a convenient online class. The course can be taken individually, or purchase a discounted license for a group of ten of your friends.






Visit Crescent Project’s bookstore for insightful books on understanding Islam, group studies, outreach resources, and more.


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Rich with stories and conversation starters, the book gives readers tangible and respectful ways to initiate friendships and minister to the felt needs of Muslims.