In Search of Gray Hair
This past fall I celebrated my 51st birthday. I’ve always enjoyed my birthday. I love the celebration but also the thought of hopefully getting wiser with age and becoming a more mature believer, someone who is increasingly walking in greater understanding of how to live a God focused life.
Ramadan isn’t just for Muslims. It’s an opportunity for Christians, too.
For followers of Jesus, Ramadan is an opportunity to focus on God’s heart for Muslim people. Here are 9 ways to love Muslims this Ramadan.
DC Keane: ‘There’s Nothing Magical About Missions.’
D.C. Keane sent hundreds to the field and recently wrote a book about Frontiers. This is what he wants Christians to know about Missions.
From Abandonment and Shame to Hope and Healing: Mariam’s Story
Miriam, a Muslim woman from Central Asia, hit rock bottom. Then Jesus intervened in a miraculous way, changing her life.
What “Unreached People” Wish Christians Understood
I’ve spent years befriending unreached Muslim people in Africa and New York City. This is what they wish Christians understood about them. By Chris Clayman
Virtual Internships: The View from Inside a ‘Ministry Incubator’
Crescent Project’s hands-on internship provides a unique space to explore ministry calling. Get an inside look at the experience through an interview with the program’s director and a former intern.
Why are people converting to Islam? The answer may surprise you.
Dr. Carl Ellis loves “the unchurchables” — those who feel aversion to church and the Christian faith. This is what he’s learned from listening to them.
A Series of Fortunate (and Somewhat Awkward) Events
Sometimes following Jesus means things get strange before they get really, really good. Just ask Chris.
How Meeting a Muslim Changed Me: Two Short Testimonies
We instinctively fear what we don’t know. Many Christians are hesitant to engage Muslims, but as these short testimonies show, meeting a Muslim can soften hearts and strengthen courage.
Thousands of Afghans are being resettled around the world. What should we know about them?
Get a first-hand look at the complexities of Afghan culture in this edited interview with an American couple who spent years in Afghanistan.
Choosing Relationships with Muslims in Our Communities
If you think of five people you know, you will probably find that you met them five different ways. There is no guaranteed formula for meeting Muslims and building meaningful relationships with them, although there are certainly things we can do to be more intentional in our pursuit of friendship and understanding.
Do Christians Worship Three Gods?
Abdullah gazed into the bright sunlight slanting through the café’s open doorway. Even with its cool mosaic tile, the room provided little respite from the midday heat. Abdullah wiped his brow, sweating as much from nervousness as the extreme temperature.
Responding Wisely to This Common Question From Muslims
Spend any time with Muslims, and this question will almost certainly be asked: “What do you think of Muhammad?”
Who Died on the Cross?
For Christians, springtime means Lent and Easter, a season when the faithful remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Churches adorn wooden crosses with purple cloth and crowns of spring lilies. It is a time of celebrating life out of death, Christ’s ultimate victory on the cross.
Are Muslims Hard to Reach?
The men I’ve been sharing with live in Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Each one has said that I’m the first follower of Jesus they’ve ever met.
Considerations for Marrying a Muslim Man
The allure of a foreign husband might be exhilarating. But there are significant theological and practical concerns to consider.
Is Muhammad in the Bible?
When Sam met his friend Ahmed for coffee one Saturday, Ahmed surprised him with a Muslim belief Sam had never before encountered.
Is the Injeel corrupted?
Muslims believe that Christians changed the Injeel (the New Testament), and as a result it lost its meaning over time. Here are some thoughts in response.