Unfortunately Sahara Challenge planned for April 8-10 in Raleigh has been postponed for a later date and possible location. You can still benefit from this experience by completing the course online.
$99 for 2 months of access

Engaging, in-depth training in ministry to Muslims, led by experienced leaders and Muslim-background believers.
Live In-Person conference, with dynamic lectures and interactive breakout sessions
Gain real-world insight from ministry practitioners and Muslim-background believers
Explore the history, beliefs, and culture of Islam, and equip yourself and your ministry team to engage Muslims in your neighborhood and around the world.
Included in the Sahara Challenge online course:
Fast & engaging 15-minute talks
Real-world Insight from ministry practitioners and Muslim-background believers
18 hours of lecture
4 hours of breakouts, chosen by attendees
429 pages of resources in eBook format ($69 value)
Sahara Challenge coursework includes a mixture of instruction and practical application taught by former Muslims and experts in Islam and Muslim culture.
Participants are required to read a set of preparatory books, which are provided free with your registration.
Areas of Study
History, Growth, and Influence
Beliefs and Rituals
Folk vs. Orthodox Islam
Position of Men vs. Women
Ministry Skills:
Your Role in Bringing Muslims to Christ
Bridging the Gospel
Assimilating the Culture
Communicating Cross-Culturally
2024 Speakers
Dr. David Garrison
Global Gates Executive Director
David Garrison has a PhD in historical theology from the University of Chicago. He is a veteran of more than 30 years as a missionary pioneer. His writings include The Nonresidential Missionary (1990), Church Planting Movements (2004), and A Wind in the House of Islam (2014). Garrison currently serves as Global Gates’ executive director, and as Church Planting Consultant in the Professional Services Group of MissioNexus the largest network of evangelical missions in the world. David is the husband of Sonia and father of four grown children.
Fouad Masri
Founder of Crescent Project
Author, lecturer, and Crescent Project founder Fouad Masri was born and raised in the war zone of Beirut, Lebanon. As a third generation ordained pastor, he has a passion for sharing the love of Christ with Muslims and has been reaching out to Muslims and inspiring others to follow his example since 1979.
Fouad is the author of Adha in the Injeel, Connecting with Muslims, and his latest book, Sharing Jesus with Muslims, is now also available.
Aaron Myers
Aaron spent over four years serving in Istanbul, Turkey with his family. He has served with Crescent Project since 2014 and currently directs the organization’s Digital Outreach initiatives.
Ali Reza
Ali was born into a Muslim family in Iran. God orchestrated a divine conspiracy of many witnesses in the life of Ali to bring him to Christ, and today he is a passionate witness for Jesus.
Brett W.
Brett has been involved in reaching out to those farthest from the gospel for decades, including 10 years in Central Asia reaching Muslims. Brett now serves as the Director of Field Ministry with Crescent Project.
“Brother Farrid”
Growing up in a Middle Eastern country, "Brother Farrid" brings a wealth of practical cross-cultural ministry experience. He is currently a staff member of Brentwood Baptist Church.
James Cha
James and his family served 10 years in Central Asia as church planting missionaries. Since 2010 they have served in the Washington DC area with Crescent Project. James is also an itinerant instructor throughout the U.S. on the topic of world missions.
Keivan Tehrani
Originally from Iran, God has allowed Keivan to preach the Gospel to tens of thousands of people in numerous countries over a 25-year ministry.
Rashidah was born into an African-American Muslim family but became a Christ follower as a child after her mother’s powerful conversion experience. For the past several years, she has been involved in various types of Muslim outreach and serves with Crescent Project as the host of our podcast, Crescent Project Radio.
Safiya was born and raised in the Middle East as a devout Muslim, in a community where 98% of the population was comprised of Muslims.
“Sara” is a former Muslim with extensive international experience in sharing Good News. She is currently the Women's Outreach Ministry Coordinator at Crescent Project. (Name changed and placeholder photo used to protect identity)
Steve Helm
Steve Helm is COO of Crescent Project. In addition to decades of executive church leadership, he developed innovative coffee and food co-ops across Africa to meet spiritual and economic needs.
Thomas Messick
Thomas has served with Crescent Project for seven years, has lived in a Muslim majority country and is a PhD candidate at Melbourne School of Theology.