Ramadan isn’t just for Muslims. It’s an opportunity for Christians, too.
Don’t let Ramadan go by without taking the opportunity to pray, to learn about Islam, and to connect with Muslims in your community. Here’s how.
Ramadan is the 9th month of the Muslim calendar and, according to Islamic teaching, the month the Koran was first revealed to the Prophet Mohammad.
During Ramadan all Muslims across the globe are required to abstain from all earthly pleasures – food, water, cigarettes, sex – from sunup to sundown. This year Ramadan runs from February 28th through March 29th in the United States.
Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam, making it one of the most important religious and cultural holidays for Muslims. For followers of Jesus, Ramadan is an opportunity to focus on God’s heart for Muslim people, many of whom are desperately seeking God’s approval through a system of works.
Here are 9 ways you can express love towards Muslims this Ramadan:
1. Pray with us throughout Ramadan
Yes, it really does matter. Watch this short appeal from Fouad Masri:
2. Wish Your Muslim Friends a Happy Ramadan
An easy way to wish your Muslim friends a happy Ramadan is to say “Happy Ramadan.” You could also say “Ramadan Mubarak,” which is a simple way to say “Happy Ramadan” in Arabic and is a greeting used across the Muslim world.
3. Read a Book or Two
Ramadan could be a great month to choose a book about Islam or the Muslim world to read. An even better idea would be to gather a group of friends to read a book together. Here are a few suggestions:
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi
Ambassador to Muslims by Foaud Masri
Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale
Dreams and Visions by Tom Doyle
Which None Can Shut by Reema Goode
The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis (children's literature)
Refugee by Alan Gratz (young adult literature)
4. Show a Prayercast at Your Church
Many in our churches are struggling with how to respond to the world of Islam. There are many voices vying to shape the narrative around how we should think about Muslims. Prayercast is a great resource to help shape that narrative in ways more reflective of the heart of Jesus.
You could show the Prayercast Islam video (or Prayercast videos from any Muslim-majority countries) at your church on a Sunday morning. Each video is just 3-4 minutes in length.
Prayercast Videos ›
5. Attend an Iftar Meal at a Local Mosque
If you live in a city with a local Islamic Center, you may be able to attend a community iftar meal. Many Mosques in North America use Ramadan as an opportunity to invite people in for this breaking of fast meal.
Check the website of your local Islamic center to see if they have a community iftar meal. You may want to read our Mosque Visit Purpose and Etiquette guide before visiting.
Another great step is to connect with your local imam. We can help guide you in setting up a face-to-face meeting.
6. Try our free, hands-on series “Let Me Be Your Neighbor”
This four-part video series highlights the opportunity to reach the diverse communities right in our backyard, and offers practical steps to connect with your neighbors. Try it for free, and don’t forget to invite a couple friends to join you!
Let Me Be Your Neighbor is a short hands-on course that helps you connect with the international communities around you, including Muslims.
7. Make a Friend Online
Across the Muslim world, people are getting online in search of friendship and language partners. Embassy, part of Crescent Project’s digital outreach efforts, connects Muslims and Christians organically, laying the groundwork for conversations about Christ.
8. Host a Movie Night
Consider having a movie night to watch one of these movies, and help your friends grow in love and concern for the Muslim world.
9. Pray for a Muslim People Group
Pick a particular Muslim people group and spend the month of Ramadan learning about them and praying for them. Here is a list of unreached Muslim people groups from Joshua Project. There are over 3,000 groups making up 23% of the world’ population!
Whatever you do, do something. Do it in love and do it in prayer.
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