Safe House Network
As a Muslim comes to faith in Christ, often there is no shortage of difficulty, even physical violence or the fear of physical violence. This is especially true for new believer women, teens, and children. Crescent Project has identified the need for both a network of “safe houses” and a coordinated, centralized system to relocate those who are fearing for their safety. This centralized system does not currently exist anywhere.
Funding for this urgently needed effort provides essential staffing, communication and training resources, the networking required to onboard churches in the U.S. and potentially Europe, and the technology required for high level coordination of this effort.
Why is Crescent Project so passionate about creating a Safe House Network?
Here are two very real reasons: Aliya and Fareed (names changed for security reasons).
Aliya was a Muslim high school student that began reading the New Testament she received from a friend. She read my book, “Is the Injeel Corrupted,” and continued investigating the claims of Christ. Aliya made a commitment to follow Christ after two years. Her father discovered the Bible in her bedroom and severe persecution began. Her parents threatened her and began inflicting physical and verbal abuse. Aliya had to run away from home for her life.
Fareed was a Muslim college student who began attending a local Bible study group. The Lord touched his life and he decided to follow Christ. Harassment and intimidation began right in his home that escalated to beatings from his father and brothers. In a matter of weeks, Fareed found himself homeless. A family from church welcomed him and assisted him until he found a place of his own.
Where do you suppose these stories occurred? Turkey? Iran?
No, here in the United States. It is such a shame that even in “free” countries Muslims who choose to follow Christ still receive major persecution from family and certainly their community. Some lose their lives.
We hear of individuals and even families like Aliya and Fareed all the time, and until now there were few options for them. We have identified their common needs for safety, connection with other caring Christ-followers, help to navigate challenges for work, school, health care, and immigration. There are fewer than a handful of Safe Houses for Muslims throughout the entire country. Help us change that!
We are in the process of enlisting churches who have a heart to help. Small churches, medium size churches, large churches, all churches can participate! We are creating a system for immediate relocation, shelter and care up to six months!
Prayer requests:
That God would raise up the next 12 churches to help us.
That we could have this ministry fully funded so that no individual, suffering persecution for becoming a follower of Jesus, need be homeless or hopeless!
That more Christian leaders would see the peril Muslims invite when accepting Christ and desire to be a responsible part of helping former Muslims find their way!